
Industry 4.0 AMR Solutions

Adaptable to your business processes

Our AMR's

We believe that just an AMR is only a part of the solution, not the solution. Just installing a few AGVs will not make the most out of your project. We deliver a combination of vehicles, software to make them behave smart, device- and system integration and services to create smart factory solution.

Floor-to-floor pallet AMR


Floor-to-machine pallet AMR

Ŝharko10 High Lift

Heavy duty under rider


Sharko25 Underrider AMR AGV carries large industrial rack

Our Organisation

We are MoviĜo Robotics

We specialise in developing, delivering and implementing AGV industry 4.0 solutions. With very compact vehicles that can work alongside people. We focus on using the latest technology in software development and engineering but in the same time do not lose sight of the robustness and reliability required of industrial solutions.

Industry 4.0 IoT AMR

We believe that our solutions are more successful because we focus especially on the optimisation of your production- and logistical processes and integrating them with our software and AGV robot solutions. Our goal is not to just sell you some AGV’s, but to deliver you an industry 4.0 solution.

Horizontal transport

We focus on horizontal transport. Our vehicles can collect payload directly from the floor, without the need of a transfer station. Depending on the height of the conveyor, the vehicle can collect payload directly from a production line.     

Robot Manufacturer and Software Engineering

At MoviĜo Robotics we do our own mechanical- and software engineering. This enables us to customise our standard AGV robots to have the best solution for your production- and logistical processes. We can even completely design and realise a custom build AGV for you.

When developing a vehicle, we start at the beginning: your organisation and your processes. From an early stage of robot development, our software engineers work closely with our mechanical engineers to ensure the most robust industrial solution.

Our Software Solutions

Together with our 'sharks' makes the most efficient AMR solution.

MoviĜo Intelligent Camera Kit

Vision software


Detect an empty pallet with raw materials and automatically replenish. 

Task Generation

Add process-dependant time constaints to orders

Sharko10 Pallet AMR AGV drives in factory and stops for a man that is on its route

Free Space Allocation

Visually monitoring of (buffer) locations and allocation of drop-off spots.

Environment Monitoring

The fleet adapts their behaviour based on the current situation.

Our Intralogistic Solution

How we create an industry 4.0 solution
1. Discuss your project
2. Analyze your process
3. Create project blueprint
4. Launch project

Some of our 'Sharkholders'

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